No Show Fee Policy and No Lab Fee Policy

No Show Fee Policy

Our goal here at Houston Thyroid and Endocrine, PLLC is to provide quality service to all of our clients in a timely manner. Failure to keep scheduled appointments (“no-show”) is costly to the clinic and you. Patients who are unable to keep their appointments are requested to give more than 1 business day notice prior to their appointments. We realize this is not always possible and the practice will consider each individual case. Providing such notice allows the clinic time to offer other persons the opportunity to see our providers, thus using the time more efficiently. Please also try not to be late to your appointment.

• If an established patient fails to provide notice of a cancellation of their appointment, a $50 fee will be billed to his/her account for each missed appointment

• If a new patient fails to show twice, it will result in discharge from the entire clinic.

No Lab Fee Policy

If a patient completes imaging and/ or blood orders under the doctor's name, then a follow up tele-visit or office visit appointment is required to obtain an interpretation of the results. The doctor is liable for all results and will only interpret them with a patient directly unless specifically told to the patient at a visit that a schedule paid-portal-message is made (very rare). The doctor will NOT give an interpretation of results via patient portal, phone call, or via a medical assistant.

If the doctor asks you to schedule a follow up visit in the future they may request you complete blood work to be done 10 days prior to the scheduled visit. These labs are called "Pre-clinic labs". It is very important to have completed the labs ahead of time so that the doctor can give you advice based on those results at the follow up clinic visit. Failure to complete these pre-clinic labs ("no-lab") greatly reduces the value of the clinic visit to the patient.

Important Notes/FAQ on lab orders