Path A
This is patient-specific information and should only be followed depending on the individual instructions given to you by the physician.
"PATH A" Scenario:
One year post surgery and radioactive iodine treatment, ready for whole body scan (WBS) after withdrawal, but we want to use Cytomel as a bridge
Preparation during clinic visit for "Path A"
a. Instructions to stay off synthroid
b. Low iodine diet instructions
c. Printed cytomel (liothyronine). dosing instructions
d. Call backs dates
e. Lab slips (pre-treatment labs only). Where to go for labs.
f. Thyroid Nuclear Whole Body Scan order email to Baylor
g. Schedule FU appt
Proper steps to complete Path A:
STOP Synthroid and BEGIN Cytomel (liothyronine) twice per day for the next 30 days
STOP Cytomel on DATE______
START "low iodine diet" to the best of your ability for the two weeks prior to treatment (See our website for detailed instructions)
Do blood work at Labcorp 2 weeks you have stopped Cytomel (liothyronine) on DATE ___ . Call our office to tell the Thyroid Nuclear Coordinator you have completed this blood work.
Call ahead to schedule Thyroid Nuclear Whole Body Scan at 6620 Main Street DATES____ 713 798 2300
Come back to see the doctor 2-3 days after scan. Don’t re-start synthroid until the office visit since a decision may be needed for another radioactive iodine treatment and you would need to be off thyroid hormone for 3 weeks.