Tingling and Numbness of Prediabetes
Tingling and Numbness in Hands and Feet Could Be a Sign of Diabetic Neuropathy
Tingling and numbness in the fingers and toes in a possible sign of prediabetes. High blood sugar levels can damage small nerves, leading to nerve damage called diabetic neuropathy, which may also create a burning sensation in the arms, hands and feet. Nerve damage can cause eventually lead to foot ulcers and charcot foot which are changes in the shape of feet and toes. If infected foot wounds are not properly treated, it can lead to lower limb amputations later in life.
Early recognition and subsequent treatment of prediabetes can reduce tingling or numbness and the development of diabetic neuropathy. Neuropathy can feel like burning, sharp shooting pain, numbness or like your socks are scrunched up beneath your toes.
It’s important to identify tingling and numbness and other prediabetes symptoms early —when there’s still time to prevent the disease. According to the Diabetes Prevention Program, a multicenter clinical research study, 11% of people with prediabetes developed type 2 diabetes each year during a three-year follow-up period.
Prediabetes can be reversible when caught early enough. But when prediabetes symptoms are ignored, there is a high chance that type 2 diabetes develops and complications become permanent.