New Patient Medical Records requirements

Please bring these records with you in hand on your first visit AND send records prior to visit


  • glucose meter

  • diabetes eye examination report from eye doctor

  • most recent blood work including hemoglobinA1c, urine microalbumin, lipids

Hypothyroid (low thyroid levels):

  • most recent blood work

  • initial blood work if possible

Hyperthyroid (high thyroid levels):

  • most recent bloodwork

  • initial bloodwork if possible

  • thyroid uptake/scan report (nuclear test) *important

  • thyroid ultrasound report

Thyroid Nodule:

  • thyroid ultrasound reports *important

  • any prior thyroid biopsy pathology reports *important

Thyroid Cancer:

  • surgical pathology report from original thyroid surgery (showing size of cancer) *important

  • any recent blood work

  • any whole body scan reports

  • any thyroid ultrasound reports

Pituitary Disease:

  • any MRI reports * important

  • any blood work including any hormone testing

  • any CT reports

Adrenal Disease:

  • any CT or MRI reports of the abdomen or adrenals *important

  • any prior hormone testing done


  • most recent and any old DXA/bone density reports *important

  • any lab work which includes vitamin D, PTH, calcium, 24 hour urine calcium


  • any labs which include calcium, PTH (parathyroid hormone), vitamin D, 24 hour urine calcium

  • any parathyroid scan (sestamibi nuclear test) reports, CT/MRI neck reports

  • any thyroid ultrasound reports and bone density reports

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS):

  • any ovarian ultrasound reports or hormone lab work